a group of kids planting seedlings

Community Partnerships

The Village at Corte Madera is proud to be a community partner. We strive to meet community challenges through a combination of employee volunteerism, financial support, in-kind donations and partnerships with non-profit organizations which have missions consistent with our vision and values.

Community Partnerships

Dedication to Special Education

Dedication to Special Education is an all-volunteer parent organization committed to improving special education in Marin County. In October 2004, the water sculpture, “Community,” was created and donated by designer Archie Held celebrating the alliance of educators, families, community and corporations working together to help children with special needs in Marin County.  The personalized inscriptions around the base of the fountain and money from the fountain benefit Dedication to Special Education.  Contact (415) 491-6636 or visit www.specialed.org.

Corte Madera Larkspur Schools SPARK Foundation

The Village at Corte Madera is proud to support the Corte Madera Larkspur Schools SPARK Foundation.  SPARK is a nonprofit organization staffed by parent volunteers. It is dedicated to raising private funds each year from you, your neighbors and local businesses you frequent to supplement the financial needs of  The Cove School, Neil Cummins and Hall Middle School. SPARK was founded by concerned parents in 1980 following the passage of Proposition 13 which cut deeply into local school funding. 

Over the past 27 years our schools have weathered numerous state budget crises. SPARK can’t solve the frustrating lack of government funds for our schools, but we can make a difference in bridging the funding gap. For more information, please visit SPARK or call (415) 927-6960, ext. 3208 or email info@SPARKschools.org.


The Village at Corte Madera is proud to partner with nonprofit TreePeople to create a water-secure and climate-resilient world. For 43 years, TreePeople has inspired people to plant and care for trees, harvest rain to fight drought and transform their homes with climate appropriate landscapes to keep our cities cool, healthy and to improve local water quality. Visit TreePeople.org to learn more or attend a FREE workshop

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